The pack All the bones of the skull includes:
- Frontal Bone ( os frontalis) – with section that can observe the frontal sinus (sinus frontalis)
- Temporal Bone (os temporalis) – left and right
- Parietal Bone (os parietalis) – left and right
- Occipital bone ( os occipitalis)
- InferiorNasalConcha (concha nasalis inferior) – left and right
- Zigomatic bone (os zigomaticum) – left and right
- Sphenoid bone (os sphenoidale)
- Maxilla
- Palatine bone (os palatinum)
- Ethmoidal bone (os ethmoidale)
- Vomer
- Nasal bone (Os nasale) – left and right
- Lacrimal bone (Os lacrimale) – left and right
- Mandible
- Hyoid bone (Os hyoideum)